This session will focus on large and medium firms (10 or more attorneys).
The Board of Governors of the New Hampshire Bar Association has established an Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI Committee). Among other things, the Board of Governors charged the DEI Committee with “examining the views of our association’s membership regarding the role of the association in promoting diversity and inclusivity.”
To that end, the DEI Committee has planned a series of virtual Town Hall meetings to hear from members of the Bar and other stakeholders about issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in New Hampshire legal practice. The Committee will be looking for feedback about what the Bar is doing well, what it needs to improve, and specific ideas which the Bar can implement.
While participants are invited to attend the session that best fits their schedule, each session will be planned to focus on a specific sector of legal practice in the state, in the hopes that doing so will lead to a robust discussion among participants. Sessions will be conducted via Zoom.
If you are interested in attending a session, please RSVP above and you will be sent a Zoom link closer to the date.
Additionally, if you wish to submit information to the DEI Committee, but are unable to or would rather not attend a Town Hall session, anonymous feedback can also be submitted.